Debt Consolidation: What Is It and How Does It Work?
A debt consolidation loan may help your kid out of a financial jam down the line, but not all loans offer safe harbour from high interest rates. Here are the ins and outs of debt consolidation.
How Does Income Tax Work in Canada
We’ve crunched the complications out of Canadian taxes to help you explain income taxes to kids and teens.
Income Tax 101: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Our guide on income tax for beginners will help parents and teens with essential tips on filing that first income tax return.
How to Read and Understand a Pay Stub
New job, who dis? If your teen is starting their first real job, it’s time to teach them the lowdown on paycheques and pay stubs.
Socially Responsible Investing (SRI): A Guide for Parents and Teens
Socially Responsible Investing or SRI is a growing trend in the investment world. But what is it and how does it work?
What is a Robo-Advisor: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Think your teens might want to go robo with their future investments? Here’s what they need to know.
How to Apply for Your First Credit Card
Are you ready for your first credit card? Here’s everything you need to know to take this financial step forward.
RRSPs Explained for Kids and Teens
How do you explain the purpose of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan account in simple terms to kids and teens? Find out in this comprehensive look at Canadian RRSPs.
What is Risk Tolerance? A Guide for Parents & Teens
When it comes to investing money, can your teen accept a lot of risk or just a little? Their answer could impact the investment choices they make.
What is a Mortgage? A Guide for Parents and Teens
There’s a lot to think about when considering home ownership, especially when it comes to a mortgage. Here’s how to get your kids and teens to start thinking about the ins and outs of mortgages early on.
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA): A Guide for Parents & Teens
Once your kid files their first tax return, they should understand the importance of saving their tax dollars. With a Tax-Free Savings Account, not only can teens earn money through investments but they won’t pay a cent in federal taxes on these earnings, either.
Debt Consolidation: What Is It and How Does It Work
Un prêt de consolidation peut aider votre enfant à se sortir d’une impasse financière, mais il faut savoir que les prêts ne permettent pas tous de se prémunir contre des taux d’intérêt élevés. Voici les tenants et aboutissants de la consolidation de dette.
How to Pay Off Debt Fast: A Guide for Parents & Teens
Help your kid learn to manage debt—and eventually get out of it—with these clever strategies.
Tenant Insurance: A Guide for Parents & Teens
As your teen decides where they’ll be living next, they also need to research tenant insurance costs. Here’s how to teach them about protecting their valuables, their guests, and themselves as first-time tenants.
Life Insurance: What Your Teen Needs to Know
Isn’t life insurance for old people? Not in the least. We break down the ins and outs of life insurance, so you can show your teen how important this type of financial protection really is.
Intro to Mutual Funds: An Easy-to-Understand Guide for Parents and Teens
Think your teen is ready to start investing that part-time job money? Mutual funds could be the place to do it. Find out how mutual funds work in Canada.
Exchanged-Traded Funds (ETFs): Guide for Parents & Teens
Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are increasingly popular financial products that can help to diversify your investments without getting bogged down by too much research. While this may sound complicated, here we break down what parents and teens should know about ETFs.
Different Types of Cryptocurrency:Guide for Parents and Teens
Wait, there are how many types of cryptocurrency out there?! Read on for a primer on what some of the most popular ones are and how they work.
Cryptocurrency for Teens: A Guide to Investing in Crypto
Welcome to the blockchain! We’re here to introduce you and your teen to cryptocurrency and show you around.
Emergency Funds Explained for Teens
Nobody wants to think about emergencies, much less plan for them. But if your teen builds an emergency fund, they’ll have financial peace of mind if something unexpected (and costly) comes up.
Credit Report 101: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Parents know a good credit score relies on paying off debt—but do your kids? Here’s what teens need to know about credit reports.
Best Budgeting Apps and Calculators for Kids and Teens
Gone are the days of glass jars that helped kids visualize spending and saving. To help them track every digital dollar, introduce tweens and teens to budget calculators, instead.
How to Read a Bank Statement: A Guide for Teens
What is a bank statement? Understanding how to read this useful snapshot of your bank account can help tweens and teens build financial literacy skills.
Chequing vs. Savings: What’s the Difference?
It’s time for your teen to open a bank account—but should they choose a chequing account or a savings account? It all comes down to their financial needs and goals.
Common Bank Terms and Definitions for Kids
Conversations about everyday banking are important to have with your kids. We break down 28 banking terms in easy-to-grasp lingo, so you can chat about it with confidence.
Tax Deductions: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Here’s why teaching your teens about tax write-offs and tax credits could help them hold on to the money they’re entitled to and save for their future.
NFTs 101: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Maybe you’ve heard of NFTs, but don’t know exactly what they are. Here are our tips on how you and your teens can navigate the world of non-fungible tokens, the newest kids on the blockchain.
Tax Terms and Definitions for Kids
When hefty, finance-laden income tax terms are explained, it makes filing a tax return a whole lot easier. Plus, understanding these tax definitions can help teens look for additional benefits and deductions when doing their own taxes.
How to Teach Kids & Teens About Insurance
When you explain the ins and outs of insurance to tweens and teens early on, they won’t be so overwhelmed when wading through policies, premiums, and deductibles later in life.
Basic Insurance Terms and Definitions for Kids & Teens
Financial security is all about protecting yourself, and insurance is a big part of that. Here are the basic terms and definitions your teens should understand before they need to sign up for an insurance policy of their own.
Basic Investing Terms and Definitions for Kids & Teens
Learning about financial terminology and investment terms—from assets to volatility—is essential for soon-to-be investors of any age.
Insurance 101: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Life would be a lot easier without accidents, thefts, or natural disasters. But these events happen, and insurance can minimize their full impact. Here’s what kids and teens need to know about insurance.
Stock Market Explained for Kids and Teens
Teaching kids and teens about the stock market can help encourage financial literacy and spark an early interest in saving and investing.
Types of Debt and Their Meaning
Learning about the many forms of debt can help kids make more informed decisions about which debt to take on—and which debt to avoid.
Investing 101: A Beginners Guide for Parents & Teens
Our guide on investing for beginners will help you and your teen feel confident enough to get started with investing money. Read on for investing basics.
Debt 101: A Guide for Parents and Teenagers
Everything you need to know to teach your teens about good debt and bad debt—and how to manage it all.
How Does Interest Work: A Guide for Parents and Kids
If you’re borrowing or investing your money, it’s important to understand how interest works. These simple strategies will help you educate your kids and teens on interest rates and the cost of borrowing, so they can enjoy a money-savvy future.
Interest Rates 101: A Guide for Parents and Teens
Interest may seem like an abstract concept, but learning what it is and how it operates is a fundamental step toward financial literacy for tweens and teens. Here’s how to make interest work for your kids.
What Is a Credit Card and How Does It Work?
Should teens have credit cards? Here are some things to consider before deciding if now is the right time for your teen to start using a credit card.
Credit 101: A Guide for Parents and Teenagers
Money management for kids isn’t just about saving up for a big purchase. Kids also need to learn how credit works, Here’s everything you need to know about teaching your teen or tween how to use credit responsibly.
Budgeting 101: A Guide for Parents and Teenagers
Teaching your kids how to budget doesn’t have to be a struggle. Here are budgeting tips parents can share with tweens and teens to help them manage their money.
How Kids and Teens Can Make a Budget
It’s never too late (or too early!) to teach your kids how to save money. Here are some of our top practical tips for teaching kids and teens how to create a budget.
Why Kids and Teens Should Start Saving Money Early
When it comes to saving, the younger the better! Teaching your kids how to save money can instill good financial habits for life. Here are some tips for parents to help tweens and teens start saving ASAP.
What Is a Budget? A Guide for Kids and Teens
Learning how to manage a budget is an important skill. Here are some budgeting tips to help parents empower kids and teens to take control of their finances.
Banks vs Credit Unions: What is the Difference?
If your kids and teens are confused about the difference between a bank versus a credit union, they’re not alone. Here’s how each financial institution operates.
How to Explain What a Credit Card Is to Your Kids
We share some tips on your teen’s first credit card including, how to use it responsibly, and why the Mydoh Smart Card is a great alternative to credit for kids.
Parents Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids & Teens
Money shouldn’t be a taboo topic at home. In fact, families who teach financial literacy are helping set up their tweens and teens for a brighter economic future. Here’s how to talk about money with your kids and give them the financial education they deserve.
8 Reasons Why Financial Literacy is Important
Here’s why empowering kids and teens with a financial education early on will help them develop good money habits that last a lifetime.
What is a Bank and Why Do They Exist?
Think banks are boring? Well, you couldn’t buy a Frappuccino or stream Netflix without them. Here’s what banks do and why we need them.
Common Financial Literacy Terms for Kids
Ready to teach your kids and teens about money? Our guide will help you explain common financial literacy terms in a way kids and teens will understand.
How to Explain Banking in Canada to Your Kids
Help give your kids financial literacy skills with this guide to explaining how banking works in Canada to kids and teens.